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Homework Expectations

I'd like to begin by providing my view on "homework". I am of the belief that homework should be meaningful in helping students develop strong work habits that they can carry forward throughout their school career. I do not assign homework just for students to have "homework". Students and families live busy lives and time as a family should be valued.

With that being said, here are some reasons that students in my class will receive homework:

  • A project/culminating task has been assigned that is meant to deepen understanding and allow for a student to demonstrate their learning in a way that also meets the learning goals for the unit. Time will be provided in class to work on these activities. Some students may finish these tasks in class. Others may choose to work further on them at home.

  • A student was absent and needs to complete some of the missed work in order to catch up to the class as we move further in the unit.

  • A student needs a bit more time to complete the work assigned in class.

  • A student did not use his/her class time effectively (i.e., was socializing during independent work time).


Students in my class will always be given time in class to complete most, if not all of the homework assigned. This provides students n opportunity to seek assistance from myself or a peer if they are having difficulty. 

Completing homework is a very important piece of being successful as a student! Not only do you need to complete your homework, but you must complete it accurately and neatly. It is easy to complete your homework if you follow these easy tips:

  • Carefully write down the homework questions/expectations.

  • Be sure you have everything you need to complete your work in your back-pack before leaving school.

  • Find a quiet place to do your homework that is free of distractions.

  • Have a desk or table that is free of clutter and has room to spread out your work.

  • Try to do your homework as soon as possible when you get home so you are not tired when you begin.

  • Have a parent check your homework to see that you've completed everything neatly and accurately.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding my homework policy or how your son or daughter is doing with his/her homework, please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss it further at

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